Home Visit Program

Every Saturday, OMAWA staff and volunteers visit one or two of our students in their home, meet their family, share a meal, learn about each others’ live, and listen to caregivers, family members and the children when they are at homes, their problems, and relationship with other members of the family.

Listen and advice the family members according to the issue raised.

This experience for volunteers makes for a wonderful and unique cultural exchange.

Typically we walk to the student’s neighbourhood before 8am (on average 60 minutes walk) and bring a gift with us (bread, sugar and tea) as it is customary in the region.  Our students often offer us tea and roasted bananas, some even prepare a full meal for lunch.

Most Tanzanians live in one or two room accommodation, cook and bath outside.  Many do not have electricity or running water.  But the little they have, they are willing to share.  They help their neighbours, take care of each other’s children and truly live as a community.  And they are kind enough to let us into their lives
