Sports, Games and Physical activities

Sports, Games, Physical Activities and Cultural Events

Most of youth and school children in Tanzania are lacking both recreational facilities and equipment to play sports. Young people especially girls are the most vulnerable to social problems caused by idleness and sport is a sure way to meaningfully engaged and support youth in today’s rapidly changing world. Because of idleness, it has become an increasing concern that much of the youth are being forced into life of crime. It is important to keep youth sports development program running.

OMAWA has noticed lack of activities for school children and youth that promote integral development of citizen, social inclusion and quality sports. Girls are limited to two sports they can choose to participate in and out-of-school youth have no sporting opportunities and exposes them to risky ventures.

The overall goal is to promote children and youth participation in sport and physical activities geared at providing many health and social benefits inherent in sporting activity and form a greater sense of empowerment that will expand beyond sporting arena into everyday life.

OMAWA ensures to achieve the following strategic objectives in order to meet the goal

  • To increase school children and youth participation opportunities in sport, recreation and physical activity in a sustainable manner.

The following courses of action contribute to reaching this objective.

  • Training of peer leaders
  • Provision of sports and games equipments
  • Creation and renovation of school sports and physical activity playing grounds and centers.
  • Organizing school tournaments/competition
  • Awareness raising about the importance of sports and physical activity in schools.
  • Lobbying and advocacy to policy makers to involve sports, games, physical activities and cultural events in school curriculum and its implementation.
  • Formation of sports clubs /teams around the schools and in the established centers.
  • To build capacity of school teachers, pupils/students and local youth to enhance provision of sport and physical activity services.

The following courses of action contribute to reaching this objective.

  • Identification of teachers and school children who are interested in sport coaching
  • Preparation of training manuals in sports and physical activities.
  • Trainings on sports and physical activities coaching.
  • Field practices and training for school children, teachers and local youth.


  • To increase the level of participation in sport and physical activity for children and youth in rural areas to improve their health and wellbeing.

The following courses of action contribute to reaching this objective.

  • Awareness raising on sports and games to children and other community members
  • Local radio spots on school tournaments
  • Lobbying and advocacy to policy makers to involve sports, games, physical activities and cultural events in school curriculum and its implementation.
  • Provision all necessary equipments for sports and games in schools.
  • Creation of sports and physical activities playing centers.
  • Training of teachers and youth on sport coaching
  • Placing of sport teachers and peer coachers in schools and in established centers.
